John 7 - If Any Man Thirst

John 7:37-38 – On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying,“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

The Feast of Tabernacles drew to a close;
The last great day of celebration arose.
The priest with water came near to the altar,
And joy overflowed in song and in laughter.

Then Jesus stood and shouted to all
A wonderful, beautiful invitation call:
If any man thirst, let him come unto Me!
Living water will flow so abundantly!

If any man, any man, any man thirst,
Let him come to the One Who’s preeminently first!
Nothing else satisfies mankind’s deepest longings
These all fall far short: fame, pleasure, belongings.

I wish I had been at the temple that day,
To hear those great words that Jesus did say!
I’d have fought through the crowd to fall at His feet,
To answer, “I’m here; please make me complete.”

But yet, just as glorious as that day long ago,
Is this truth: Jesus’ offer still each day echoes.
As I rise in the morning, He bids me to come
To fellowship with Him, find in Him the sum

Of all today’s questions, tasks, and each need.
His Spirit speaks to me as His Word I read.
I come and I come; He never runs dry,
And I know I shall see Him in Heaven on high.

From His throne above flows the water of life
It flows to my soul and conquers sin’s strife.
He knows me and loves me and ever will be
With me and in me for eternity.

I worship You, Savior; I bow at Your feet,
To cling to You, Giver of Mercy so sweet.
Your comfort’s so full it’s a longing, my Lord,
To know You and love You and walk with You more.

If any man, any man, any man thirst,
Let him come to the One Who’s preeminently first!
Hear now Jesus’ words that He shouted to all,
His wonderful, beautiful invitation call!