
Showing posts from September, 2018

John 12 - Still the Same

“Then took Mary a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, broke the flask and poured it on His head, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.” (John 12:3, Mark 14:3) A thousand times I’ve wished that I had been Mary of Bethany: I wish that I could have seen You face to face when You were here. I wish that I could have given adoration in person to my Lord so very dear. I wish that I could have done something to show You love and loyalty clear. I wish that my hands had sheltered for a moment the feet of my Savior, Feet that would only a few days later walk the Via Dolorosa. You know, my Lord, how I’ve failed You instead so many times, But I thank You that You love me in a way that defies reason and rhymes. Your Spirit ever draws me to an awe of my Savior; My Savior ever draws me to the love of my Father. And one day I will, I know deeper than I know anything else, Worship You face to

John 11 - If Walls Could Talk

“…See how He loved him.” (John 11:36) If walls could talk in Lazarus’ home (In the time when Israel was ruled by Rome), They’d tell of a family who welcomed the Christ, When to be His friend carried a price. If walls could talk, they’d tell of good times When the Teacher taught of things sublime. Lazarus, Martha, and Mary knew that this Guest Deemed for them most important at His feet to find rest. If walls could talk, they’d tell of a sick man Desperately cared for, yet claimed by death’s hand. They’d tell of great grief for a brother beloved, And tears without number by sisters devoted. If walls could talk, they’d tell of sad questions That screamed in the minds of those disillusioned “Why didn’t God answer our prayers? Why didn’t Jesus come if He cares?” If walls could talk, they’d echo the sounds Of feet that went running over outside grounds. And who were those footfalls making their way towards? The One Who could handle those qu

John 10 - My Shepherd's Song

“I am the good shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine.   The Lord your God...will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."   (John 10:14, Zephaniah 3:17) Good morning, my Good Shepherd! I’m glad that You are near; For when Your kind voice I have heard, Assurance melts all fear. Ahead lay rocky paths and trails, I know not how we’ll cross. Yet Your eyes smile, “All is well; Not one sheep have I lost.” My heart is skittish as a lamb’s; I’m glad my Shepherd’s strong. I know that I can trust Your plans, You quiet my heart with Your song: “I know you and I love you, I give My life for you, You hear My voice and follow, I’ll never let you go! You know Me; yes, you really do! I go before to lead you. I shield you with Myself from harm, I’ll never ever leave you.” And through the years this song echoes; You gently keep on singing. As my faith grows, love for You shows When trust and praise I’m