John 12 - Still the Same

“Then took Mary a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, broke the flask and poured it on His head, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.” (John 12:3, Mark 14:3)

A thousand times I’ve wished that I had been Mary of Bethany:
I wish that I could have seen You face to face when You were here.
I wish that I could have given adoration in person to my Lord so very dear.
I wish that I could have done something to show You love and loyalty clear.
I wish that my hands had sheltered for a moment the feet of my Savior,
Feet that would only a few days later walk the Via Dolorosa.

You know, my Lord, how I’ve failed You instead so many times,
But I thank You that You love me in a way that defies reason and rhymes.
Your Spirit ever draws me to an awe of my Savior;
My Savior ever draws me to the love of my Father.
And one day I will, I know deeper than I know anything else,
Worship You face to face, kneeling before You and knowing Your embrace.

More valuable than spikenard are the lives of my husband and children.
I give my life to You by giving it to them as a reflection of You.
Help me abide in You, that You may shine forth in all I do.
Seconds, moments, hours, days – in these I give You worship’s gaze.
In the respect and tenderness I yearn to give them,
May You find, Lord Jesus, the fragrance of worship still the same as back then.