John 10 - My Shepherd's Song

“I am the good shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine. The Lord your God...will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
(John 10:14, Zephaniah 3:17)

Good morning, my Good Shepherd!
I’m glad that You are near;
For when Your kind voice I have heard,
Assurance melts all fear.

Ahead lay rocky paths and trails,
I know not how we’ll cross.
Yet Your eyes smile, “All is well;
Not one sheep have I lost.”

My heart is skittish as a lamb’s;
I’m glad my Shepherd’s strong.
I know that I can trust Your plans,
You quiet my heart with Your song:

“I know you and I love you,
I give My life for you,
You hear My voice and follow,
I’ll never let you go!

You know Me; yes, you really do!
I go before to lead you.
I shield you with Myself from harm,
I’ll never ever leave you.”

And through the years this song echoes;
You gently keep on singing.
As my faith grows, love for You shows
When trust and praise I’m bringing.

I love You, my friend Jesus,
Shepherd so wonderful!
A treasure is each promise
Of compassion beautiful.

Follow this link to see an uplifting rendition of “All the Way My Savior Leads Me:”