John 21 - "Follow Me"

Jesus said to him, “…You follow Me.” - John 21:22

So, here we are at the end of John,
Having watched Jesus 21 chapters long.
The last words He says before the book’s close
Are ones He still speaks to disciples He knows:
"You follow Me.”
Get up and follow, even if you have failed.
 You are His child; His forgiveness prevails.
 Worry not over how others may serve.
 He is your Lord; from Him do not swerve.
 Fear not to follow, though suffering’s ahead.
 Because He is with you, your heart need not dread.
 Follow the Master Who’s always the same.
 The One on the shore has spoken your name.
  He loves you and looks for your love in return.
 Say “Yes!” to the Lord for Whom our hearts yearn.
 “You follow Me.”