The Rich Kids

“We will not hide them from their children,
telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD,
and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done.
And that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures…
Therefore I love Your commandments more than gold, yes, than fine gold!
The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins
of gold and silver.” (Ps 78:4, II Tim. 3:15a, 119:127,72)
A-jingle and a-jangle, daily coins are spent,
As they turn into dollars of years.
We wonder what we did, and where the time went,
But the treasure of a lifetime outlives smiles and tears.
Just who are the rich kids in this crazy world?
Who are the ones possessing treasure unfurled?
What can I do to give true wealth to my kids –
Wealth that will steady them when life goes into skids?
I think back to my childhood; what really stands out?
It wasn’t a home where money ruled the day,
For my parents saw eternal things that never fade away.
They put a thirst for God in us that will always stay.
It wasn’t a home where they hurried away,
To escape little kids when “crazy” held sway.
We weren’t “in the way;” we were valued and loved,
And that freedom from fear was a gift from above.
God and His Word flowed in and out of our words
As easily and powerfully as the mightiest of swords.
His Truth was the Boss, Blessing, and Breath
Of an unfading Glory that conquers even death.
That is the wealth I desire to give
To my own children for as long as they live.
It steadies a soul as nothing else can,
For this is the wisdom of God’s holy plan.
Mom and Dad, thank you, for all you are and did:
A happy childhood and foundation for adulthood
Are worth more than gold to your five kids.
You gave us the best, and we’re so glad you did!
A-jingle and a-jangle, daily coins are spent,
As they turn into dollars of years.
We wonder what we did, and where the time went,
But the treasure of a lifetime outlives smiles and tears.