
Showing posts from December, 2019

John 17 - Everything

I pray for them. I am not praying for the world but for those You have given Me, because they are Yours. Everything I have is Yours and everything You have is Mine, and I have been glorified in them. (John 17:9-10, HCSB)   "Everything I have is Yours," Said Jesus to the Father. Though I'm not He, yet still I see Truth there that can apply to me:   I should hold all with open hands Before My Father-King, And seek to yield to His commands - Surrender as His will demands.   My time, possessions, family, Reputation, skills and goals, These aren't my own, but His freely To mold as best for His glory.   Also, the things I do not like He nailed to Calvary with love’s spike; Failures intrinsic to my past Have met their match in Him at last.   "Everything You have is Mine," Said Jesus to the Father. Though I'm not He, yet still I see Truth there that may apply to me:   He has all

Angel Kisses

Tonight our church had a live nativity, and my four year old daughter was one of the angels. Twice during her twenty minute stint, she spontaneously leaned over to kiss the doll representing baby Jesus. Her love for her Savior was the pure adoration of a child. May we ever “kiss the Son” (Psalm 2) with the same awe.        Straw and stable - chosen nursery For the God of all eternity, When was revealed the mystery Of Divine love for humanity. And the angel kissed the baby.   Desert wilderness - great the heat Of Satan's temptations, but He beat Each one when He did Scripture repeat. Jesus Christ is the Victor complete. And the angel kissed the Word made Man.   Olive garden - surrender's prayer Was never more beautiful than there. He drank the cup to drink our share Of sin's dread curse...oh, my Jesus fair! And the angel kissed the Lamb.   Three days later He rose from the grave, Proving forever He