Angel Kisses

Tonight our church had a live nativity, and my four year old daughter was one of the angels. Twice during her twenty minute stint, she spontaneously leaned over to kiss the doll representing baby Jesus. Her love for her Savior was the pure adoration of a child.
May we ever “kiss the Son” (Psalm 2) with the same awe.   


Straw and stable - chosen nursery
For the God of all eternity,
When was revealed the mystery
Of Divine love for humanity.
And the angel kissed the baby.
Desert wilderness - great the heat
Of Satan's temptations, but He beat
Each one when He did Scripture repeat.
Jesus Christ is the Victor complete.
And the angel kissed the Word made Man.
Olive garden - surrender's prayer
Was never more beautiful than there.
He drank the cup to drink our share
Of sin's dread curse...oh, my Jesus fair!
And the angel kissed the Lamb.
Three days later He rose from the grave,
Proving forever He has power to save.
He is the Life that our souls crave;
"For God so loved the world that He gave."
And the angel kissed the King.
Four times we read of what angels did do
As messengers for and ministers to
Jesus, the Father's Beloved Son true.
I hope that I serve Him as beautifully, too,
For He's rescued me and made my life new.
Since He's Who He is, my soul is enthralled:
May my heart kiss the baby in Bethlehem's stall,
My words echo His when temptations befall,
My will fully yield to my Father in all,
And my body shall surely rise when He calls.
Adoring, serving, worshipping -
What privileges to do these things!
To know Jesus makes life worth living!
Before His feet in awe e'er falling,
Redemption's grateful kiss I'm giving.
The angel kissed the baby.
The angel kissed the Word made Man.
The angel kissed the Lamb,
And the angel kissed the King.
One day all will reverence bring.