The Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9
Peacemakers in a world of hate:
“How so to be?” brings great debate.
Is it best to yield what we believe,
To pacify and strife relieve?
The answer is found where the same Greek word
For “peacemakers” here is used as a verb:*
The Father made peace through blood of the Son’s cross.
Through Jesus, atonement's made for the lost.
In this the basis of true peace is given,
And sin can’t be ignored for reconciliation.
Our shoes are the gospel of peace – second birth;
His footprint we leave as we walk through this earth.
When we bring His answers to any given place,
The Father’s reflection in us is traced.
His Divine perspective people in us observe;
We are known then to be like the God that we serve.

*Colossians 1:19-20 (eirenopoieo/eirenopoios used only these two places in the NT)