The Persecuted

 "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven..." Matthew 5:10-12

Those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness
Have been filled with the likeness of Christ.
And now, in a world where rebellion is flaunted,
They are persecuted, vilified, insulted.
Persecution, not from their fault or mistake,
Has chased after them because of Christ’s sake.  
Yet shoulder to shoulder with prophets they stand,
For this hostility snarls in all times and lands.
“Rejoice! Be glad! The kingdom is yours!”
Said the King Who forever endures.
Nothing can stop Him; no evil o’erpower Him.
The fellowship of His suffering’s a gem*,
Because being with Him and seeing His smile  
Is worth it no matter the hardship or trial.
Then press on to know Him, flinch not at the test;
In His paradigm, the persecuted are blest.

*Philippians 3:10, John 12:25-26, Acts 5:41-42