30 Hours*


“And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.”

– Revelation 21:5


30 hours in heaven…

What you must now have seen!

The face of the Savior, Jesus your King;

Loved ones embracing, welcoming;

Radiant brilliance, splendor, and peace;

All this world’s sorrows traded for bliss.

Oh, the unmeasured joy that must fill your soul,

As you gaze oft at Him Whose Name was your goal!

No longer a pilgrim stranded in time;

Forever at home where God’s glory shines.


Soccer mom here just a few weeks ago;

Proud of your kids – as your texts to me show.

Walking through life with Bruce your best friend;

He stayed by your side all the way to the end.

And though our hearts ache, we’d not bring you back;

For we’re also on the heavenward track.

So scope out some places to show us someday;

Give our love to our dear ones who’ve finished earth’s fray.

Enjoy the sheer wonder of beauty untold;

Your smile adds luster to heaven’s gold.



* This poem was written at the 30-hour mark of Gina Ballard Fischer’s entry into heaven. Please follow the link below to a comforting rendition of “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes. Most importantly, if you don’t know the Jesus Gina loved, please talk to someone who does.
