
 “And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31a

The color of butterscotch and just as sweet,

Is Charles A. Hamster, with his tiny feet,

Curious nose and whiskers sniffing the air,

And dark, friendly eyes that seem to say, “Hey, there!”

You can hold him in your hands, a small furry ball,

All snuggled up sleeping, and loved by Peter Hall.

He runs on his wheel, inside or on top;

Chuck A-for-Awesome Hammie’s acrobatics don’t stop.

Peter’s made toys that keep him entertained:

Swinging ladder, bridge, and treat balls – a few to name.

Taking care of Charlie never seems to be a chore

For the boy who loves all animals created by the Lord.

Our Father Who sees sparrows of this hamster surely knows;

I’m glad He gave us Charlie, another way His goodness shows.