You Have Spoken Well

 “Then some of the scribes answered and said, ‘Teacher, You have spoken well.’” (Luke 20:39, NKJV)

“Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, Who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5, HCSB)

“For a Child will be born for us,…He will be named Wonderful Counselor…” (Isaiah 9:6, HCSB)


Knots and perplexities, tangles and questions

Leave me often bewildered in tough situations.

Not just for myself, but for ones that I love;

To know what to say, I need help from above.

I come to Your Word, amazed at Your wisdom -

Straight to the heart, You spoke truth that would help them.

Always the best words, excellent answers,

 Not what they expected, but just what they needed.


Now again at Your feet, dear Master, I kneel,

Searching Your face for wisdom still

To know how to pray, and what words to say

To help family and friends who face difficult days.

Wonderful Counselor and Wisdom of God,

Who can untangle knots with only a nod,

Step into our midst and breathe peace, I pray,

In love and obedience we’ll follow Your way.