His Robe

"See, I have removed your iniquity from you,
and I will clothe you with rich robes." Zechariah 3:4

I was standing forlorn in the rags of my sin:
Dirty and hungry and empty within,
Tattered and torn with no hope in view,
Because I'd deliberately walked far from You.

But You came to my rescue before 'twas too late;
You offered to cleanse me and wipe clean the slate.
You cupped my despairing face in Your hands,
And whispered, "I love you, and have wondrous plans."

You made me Your daughter, a child of the light,
And took off Your own robe so beautifully bright.
Its softness encased me and melted my fear;
Its fragrance was soothing - I knew You were near.

The robe of my Shepherd, protecting and strong,
Who searches for lost sheep all the night long.
The robe of the sacrifice blood-stained for me,
A blanket to cover, when I kneel before Thee.

That robe is a picture of Your giving Yourself;
In place of my poverty You granted the wealth
Of all that You are: the Treasure of treasures,
And wrapped in Your love I'm secure now forever.

The cross was the place the transaction occurred -
The greatest love story the world's ever heard -
For there You took on the rags of my sin;
I stand humbly awed at the righteousness given.

The God Who enfolds me in His embrace
Has prepared for me in heaven a place,
And wearing the garments of praise there I'll sing
Forever the wonders of Jesus my King.