
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Ps. 95:6

The sounds of children's laughter -
How beautiful their smiles -
And health and food and homes of love:
No gold could value these enough.
Keen minds to think and read and pray;
Sunrise, sunset - gifts of each day;
Green, red, blue, orange, the world of color
Infused with Your majestic splendor.
Verity that does not change;
In all of life You are the same.
Now and always Your praise I sing;
Give thanks to You for all these things!

Tell wisdom's marvel yet again:
How in love You set me free,
And give riches of Your mercy
New each morning to me.
Kind acts of gracious Providence
Supplying all my needs,
Grant life of true abundance
In place of sin's old deeds.
Vict'ry over all You bring
In lives of Your redeemed.
Now and always Your praise I sing;
Give thanks to You for all these things!