
Showing posts from January, 2016

I Answer to Jesus

“…Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood,    And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead.  And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not…” Rev. 1:5-6, 17 I report straight to the Captain, Not some human go-between, And this privilege of access To me means everything. I hardly dare to lift my gaze Into the eyes of Jesus; Too often emotion leads my way, But I want to trust Him and obey. He suffered much because of love; His courage strengthens me. He looks at me and loves me yet, Compelling me to faithful be. In great compassion He still seeks out That little girl of long ago Who loved Him eagerly, fully. He hasn’t changed; this truth I know. Knowing I may come boldly, Though I am so unworthy, Inspires me to make Him proud, For He can truly change me. Oh, Savior,

The Gift of Life

Children are truly one of the greatest blessings God gives to us! I invite you to insert your children’s names in the poem as you read, reflecting on how much they mean to you. Then go tell them… God's gift of life is a fragile thing - Wonderful, beautiful, on loan from the King. And God has given to us on this earth Four  little lives of infinite worth: Felicity, Bethany, Peter, and William. Two more wait for us on heaven’s side; CB and Riley we’ll see by and by. But for now we have here to hug and to hold, To nurture and train for their God to be bold, Felicity, Bethany, Peter, and William. Their smiles bring more life into our own, Their bright eyes and keen minds with His light have shone, And we pray we may be true reflections of Him Who loves us so perfectly without taint of sin, To Felicity, Bethany, Peter, and William. Their lives are a miracle that His fingerprints show, Their futures are bright as the new fallen snow, And they&

Jesus, My Heavenly Bridegroom

Last week I posted a haiku poem celebrating the 10 th anniversary of when Bill asked me to marry him. He has known and touched my soul as no other human being ever has, and I cannot craft words to describe how wonderful a man he is. The relationship of husband and wife is intended to mirror a Christian’s role as the bride of Christ with her Savior. Today’s poem was written in 2013, when we had a prophecy conference at church. Pastor Curtis Sayre preached a message on the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and posed an interesting thought: take the traditional wedding vows and insert Christ as the groom. “I, Jesus, take thee, Sinner,…” We are the “for worse, for poorer, in sickness” part, and He is the “for better, for richer, in health” part. He will never die, and thus we are joined to Him forever! Should we not then “forsaking all else, cleave only unto Him?” He loves me! He loves me! Can it really be true? The God of magnificence Who sees all I do? The Lord of creation and all his

Marriage Proposal

"...I found him whom my soul loveth..." Song of Solomon 3:4 Sparkles of moonlight, Sound of New Year’s fireworks. He asks; I say yes. Ten years pass. Midnight, And in midst of home repairs. He asks; I say yes. Eyes glow with love’s flame. Tender, steady, strong my man For all time is mine.