A Psalm of Grace (Psalm 73)

"The nearness of God is my good,”
So said the psalmist of old.
After wrestling with where his faith stood,
Assurance of triumph he told.

He’d considered the wicked: their pride
And prosperity seemed all so wrong,
When compared with the righteous beside,
Who struggled hard all the day long.

But Asaph came and sat before God,
And God gave him a glimpse of their end.
‘Twas a slippery path that they trod;
Destruction would come like a fiend.

Then Asaph, on a personal note,
Spoke truths that can help us today.
Often we find ourselves in the same boat;
His thoughts echo what our hearts say.

He couldn’t see the “how” and the “why”;
His heart was embittered with questions of life.
“Like an ignorant beast before God was I,”
He said, and then told God’s response to his strife.

“Regardless of how you struggle within,
I am always with you, holding your hand.
With counsel I guide, and My strength do lend:
A refuge for now, and the end Gloryland.”

So Asaph renewed his trust in the LORD,
And we can as well when this life is tough.
God is our good; we depend on His word,
And He will ne’er fail; He’s always enough.