On Mission to Serve Jesus

“…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15

Carey, Taylor, Judson,
These men lived with a mission:
That India, China, Burma
Might come to know salvation.

Holritz, Frey, Perrine, and more,
Have served the Lord on foreign shore:
That those in darkness might see light,
That hearts of sin might be made right.

I put my own name in the blank,
And ask myself, “What shall I do?”
It’s not enough to just work here,
I must reach out so all can hear.

The Great Commission is for each
Of us who claim the Christ to know,
And we must pray, and we must preach,
And we must give, and we must go.

I serve in Tennessee, but yet
I must not let myself forget
To pray specific, detailed prayers,
Of worldwide needs to be aware.

No matter what is my life’s station,
I can reach out to other nations;
For God is big and He will use
All who seek His will to choose.

Lord, make my life a candle bright,
Somehow shining ‘round the world:
To spread Your Truth to souls of men,
That lives for Jesus I might win.