Darkness and Light

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts,
to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
II Corinthians 4:6

The earth was dark, and then God spoke;
Created light, and darkness broke
Away, for it could not abide
When God decreed that day would be.

But Adam sinned one perfect day,
And from God’s light he turned away.
And in the hearts and lives of all
Sin brought its darkness at the Fall.

One day years later from noon ‘till three,
When Jesus hung upon a tree,
Day turned dark; God turned away.
Where our sins were He could not stay.

The Son and Author of all light
Died all alone in darkest night.
It was an awesome, awful trade
When Purity our sin was made.

Three days later at Sunday's dawn
Night turned to day with glorious burst
Of joy, for Jesus rose again!
The Daystar triumphed o'er sin’s worst.

In my heart, too, the light did shine
When bright salvation became mine.
A child of darkness, He set me free;
Lives in me now, always to be.

Therefore as child of light I’ll live,
No more to darkness my actions give.
For all He is, is mine to know;
I bear His light where’er I go.

Hist’ry’s last page will soon unfold
When we’re at home on streets of gold.
Forever vanquished night will be;
His face is Day eternally.