The Father's Pleasure

My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.
(Psalm 104:35, see also Malachi 3:16-17, Revelation 4:11)

God likes it when I think of Him;
He doesn’t mind at all
When I take time to meditate
On my dear Lord, so strong and great.

The sweetness of His love revealed
In both the Book and life:
In days of yore and dreams gone by,
In moments now, He still is nigh.

Years pass, faith walks, hand in His hand,
Steadier, surer, toward my homeland;
Yet’s love’s still fresh as newcut rose
His smile breathes joy that naught else knows.

So don’t neglect, my soul, to kneel
In reverent awe before Him still
To start each day in fellowship
With He Whose Truth’s at fingertip.

Read His Word, and love Him more,
Then take the time to God adore.
His thoughts of you as grains of sand
Would fill the shores of every land.

He stands beside me, lives inside me,
Knows me, holds me, changes me.
He likes it when I think of Him;
He’s made me His own handmaiden.