Help for Housekeeping

Proverbs 30:24-28

It may not seem important
In eternity’s grand theme,
But how I keep my dwelling place
Affects the outcome of my race.

Perhaps it should be easy,
Without a second thought,
To keep it all in top ship-shape;
Yet the truth is that it’s not.

But God’s Word has some secrets
For those who care to look,
Because all wisdom can be found
In the pages of His Book.

Four creatures on the earth are small
But are exceeding wise,
And Proverbs thirty tells us all
How what they do can change our lives.

The ants prepare their winter’s food
In summer’s pleasant days.
I need to plan and work and save,
So home’s prepared for rainy days.

Rock badgers make, though they are weak,
Their houses in the rocks,
And I must likewise daily seek
My strength for tasks from Christ my Rock.

The locusts have no king, yet go
They forth in ordered bands.
Organizing space and work at hand
Puts clutter’s chaos at calm command.

The spider’s hands take hold and spin
No matter where it is.
I should persist at what I do;
Keep going till the job is through.

Ants prepare, rock badgers dwell,
Locusts order, spiders persist.
If I will use these lessons well
My home the victory will tell.

Our God is wise, He understands
The daunting tasks we face.
He whispers lessons from His world
That can help us win the race.

Well-ordered homes do set the stage
(Make more serene our lives),
That we may focus on our goals,
And press toward Heaven’s prize.