A Home Like Bethany

John 14:23 - Jesus answered and said unto him,
If a man love Me, he will keep My words:
and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him,
and make Our abode with him.

Dear Christ, when You were here on earth,
And traveling dusty roads,
There was a place You loved to be –
A home in the town of Bethany.

There Your weary feet could rest,
Your spirit be encouraged,
For Bethany betokened love,
A reminder of Your home above.

A place to go, forever welcome,
To fellowship with friends;
To eat a meal, or just be still, 
To love, and to be loved.

Lord Jesus, we kneel before You know,
Just starting our own home;
We consecrate it all to Thee – 
Oh, make it like Bethany!

May You always be welcome within our doors,
Just as You were by those friends;
Help us always to treasure and worship You
With all that we are and do.

Help us also daily to love one another,
Living Your sacred design.
Make us one in a thousand ways big and small;
Help each for the other, with joy, to give all.

If You should bless our home with children
(Dear God, how we pray You’ll do so!),
Help us as parents to reflect You, our Father,
And kindle their hearts to know You as they grow.

Jesus, we also pray just now
That we could help fellow Christians:
May they find love and fellowship here,
A little taste of heaven.

And, Lord, we pray that our home would be
A lighthouse to the lost:
May they see You in us so clearly,
And accept Your wok on the cross.

Oh, Christ, with us abide forever!
Help us truly to bless Your heart!
Walk with us, teach us, and make us like Thee,
And make our home like Bethany.