
“…the glory of children are their fathers.” – Proverbs 17:6

A mirror of my daddy’s face
Is in my soul; time can’t erase
All that he means, or his embrace;
He’ll always hold an honored place.

I think of my dad every day,
And often wish he could have stayed.
I’d give a lot to hear what he’d say
To grown-up questions I’d send his way.

I’d give a lot if he could know
The man I married, who’s like him so,
And watch his grandchildren as they grow;
But God’s answer to those hopes was “no.”

When I was young, I never knew
How great my daddy really was; I grew
Up not quite knowing just how true
An unsung hero he was, how great his honor due.

But he knew we loved him, and he gave
His love to his family, who bear his name.
He lives today beyond the grave,
Because of Jesus, Whose power does save.

So, Daddy, know I still love you,
And will until this life is through;
And then in Heaven with life anew
I’ll sing His songs once more with you.