

“Strength and honour are her clothing…” Proverbs 31:25

Last year on Mother’s Day, I wrote a blog post for my mom and Bill’s mom. Today, I write a tribute in honour of the two grandmothers I knew as a young adult, Mary Boley and Reba Hall. In these two ladies I observed portraits of truly classy people. With all my heart, I hope that as I age I will mirror the timeless qualities they exuded.   

What marks a lady who has real class?

That unchanging beauty though decades pass.

It’s something that white hair and wrinkles can’t mask.

It’s a fineness of soul no matter life’s task.

It’s dignity and honour in the way that she dresses,

And a smile that comes from her eyes and embraces

The ones that she loves with acceptance and grace,

 For harsh criticisms with her find no place.

Class knows Whose she is and acts like He does:

With kindness, instead of a frenzied mad buzz,

Selflessly giving an interest in others.

With courage continuing when she feels, “I’d rather…”

Wisdom and poise time can’t take away;

When she’s in the room, tensions melt away.

Softness and sweetness welded to strength of steel;

She’s lived long and well and is genuinely “for real.”

We’ve watched you, admired you, and desire to be

Beautifully, faithfully, truly classy.