The Hungry and Thirsty

 “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness:
for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6
I’ve watched You walk across Scripture’s pages:
The holy, spotless One
Whose piercing gaze looks through the ages
With truth and grace, heaven’s bright Son.
You put in us a holy hunger
To stand before You as we ought;
But in countless ways, the whole world over,
Your Divine smile billions have sought.
The thirst to know that You’re pleased with me
Can only be quenched one way:
“O righteous, innocent Lamb, I plead
Give what I could never earn or pay.”
Then Your endless supply of righteousness
Is mine for eternity!
A beggar no more, with Bread I am blessed,
Enjoying the cup of salvation* daily.
*Psalm 116:12-13