Birthday Gifts from Heaven

This poem was a birthday gift to my brother David in 2018, but it rings true for all of us. Though God is not obligated to give us all these things every year, He often chooses to do so.


I give you the start of a fresh 365 days of life.

            365 new pages for your autobiography, clean and white,

            That you may fill with deeds of honor, integrity, and right.


I give you things you can see to remind you of Me.

            365 sunrises, the grandeur of the mountains, a caressing breeze,

            Vastness of the starry sky, birds singing from the trees.


I give you things you cannot see.

            Eternal strength to sustain you whatever life brings,

            Love, grace, forgiveness, peace - all invaluable things.


I give you enablement to mirror My Son.

            As father and leader in your home and nation,

            You have the capacity to reflect Him in every situation.


I give you the undying love and respect of your family.

            They’ll never cease to be thankful that I brought you to them in 1990.

            Son, brother, friend - their lives are linked with yours for eternity.


 I give you continued mental and physical acuity.

            A mind to pursue, know, and love Me with all its strength.

  A body, through serving Me, to outlive this life’s length.


I give you Myself.

            The greatest gift I could give you is that I will walk with you.

            Remember Me throughout each day; I will never leave you.


                                      Happy Birthday!

                                                Your Creator