The Merciful

“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7
 Blessed are the merciful, compassionate:
Ones in whom the Shepherd’s heart resonates,
Who look at others with kind eyes.
There truth is wed to grace – a prize
Of beauty rare this holy gift,
That reaches out to others lift,
Rescuing from a miserable condition.*
Christ’s love in them has found extension.
And how shall they be blessed by Him
Whose very scars sing mercy’s hymn?
They shall obtain mercy at His hand;
This is the wonder God has planned.
 Compassion’s smile a triad makes:
From Him to them as others partake.
Let His mercy then in me find rest,
As I reflect the image of the Best.
*This line is the definition of mercy as given by Dr. Jim Berg in his sermon “More Than Enough Mercy.”