For Those Who Stand

"Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10


Right now I pray for those who stand for You against the rip current of society’s sin, and as lights in a confused Christendom.

Give them the courage of Daniel and his friends,

The boldness of Stephen before the council, and Isaiah before kings.

Speak with them as You spoke with Moses on the mountain;

Let them walk with You as Enoch did.

Let Abraham’s faith and Matthew’s following find resonance in their souls.

Duplicate in them the worship of David, and the love of John.

Bring them through discouragement as You did Elijah,

And persecution as You did Paul.

May the Biblicity of Josiah be a hallmark of their lives,

And grant them understanding of the times as You did for Isaachar’s 200.

Make them watchmen who stand in the gap as You instructed Ezekiel,

Filled with the Spirit as was Peter on Pentecost.

Bring them through their questions as You did Job;

Undergird them with the perseverance of Joseph.

Strengthen them with the battle grit of Joshua against the Amorites.

May they continue to wear Your armor well.

Steady their hearts as You steadied Noah's when the flood waters rose.

Help them not to be afraid, for You are with them. 

Encourage their hearts with Aarons and Hurs who support them.

Let Jesus shine into and out of their lives for Your glory forever.

Bless them and keep them; make Your face shine upon them and be gracious to them; lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace.

I pray these things for them in the name of Jesus Christ, the Captain of our Salvation, and the Anchor of our souls. Amen.



*This prayer was written for Uncle Mark.