For the Master

 “…the LORD sent a prophet unto the children of Israel, which said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel…”
– Judges 6:8
“…The Lord knoweth them that are His…If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” – 2 Timothy 2:19-21
An unnamed prophet God did send
To challenge Israel their ways to mend.
We don’t know much about the man,
But he was ready at God’s command.
In Scripture he only shows up once,
Upstaged by an angel’s appearance
To Gideon and all that would unfold.
But let this prophet our attention hold;
In the time of Judges’ disarray
Faithful to his God he’d stayed,
Ready for when and if God chose
To use him publicly, His glory to show.
With eyes seeking the Master today I stand,
Ready to do what He commands.
Seen or unseen by other men -
It matters not. Faithfully then,
Honorably for Him, useful to be,
Obedient to serve as He bids me.
And the Master today in His great house
Many vessels still has without a doubt,
In a beautiful union of our will and His,
One’s used for that, another for this.
And no one can tell what all God may do
With and through His children, those such as you:
Holy and wholly prepared for good works,
Who will not their calling nor responsibilities shirk,
“Meet for the Master” as He may direct,
Serving the One Who alone can perfect.
Our part of His story may not be all clear,
But it’s all for the glory of the One we hold dear.
With eyes seeking the Master today I stand,
Ready to do what He commands.
Seen or unseen by other men -
It matters not. Faithfully then,
Honorably for Him, useful to be,
Obedient to serve as He bids me.

I am daily and deeply grateful to my Father for allowing me to be married to such a man as this.