Your Gifts

Easter Trilogy: Good Friday

 “Jesus answered, ‘You could have no power at all against Me
unless it had been given you from above…’” – John 19:11
One awful, awe-full day You stood
Alone, the Giver of all good,
When men created to know You
Did ultimate rebellion do.
We used Your gifts against You then -
High travesty by sinful men.
Your Father turned His face away;
You became sin, His wrath to pay.
Your gift of smiles and sweet laughter
We turned to scorn, and mocked our Maker.
Your gift of hands to help and hold,
We used to slap in hatred cold.
Your gifts of friendship and of choice
We raised against You with one voice.
Your gift of even digestive spit,
We hurled at You in sheer contempt.
Your gift of wood to craft and build
We nailed You to when You were killed.
Your gifts of justice, pow’r, and reason
We used against You in high treason.  
You gave us clothes to show salvation;
We gambled Yours in degradation.
You gave us life, we traded death
To the very One Who gave us breath.
Sunday comes, but let me pause
To contemplate Good Friday’s cross.
For how did God so love us all?
Jesus drank sin’s cup of gall.
Unworthy, worshipping I kneel
Before the Lamb Whose blood was spilled.
Love never had such costly price
As what was paid by Jesus Christ.