This Day

Easter Trilogy: Palm Sunday

 “This is the day which the LORD has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24
This Day: Past
A burst of sunshine amidst threatening days
As the Son of David held their gaze;
Celebration’s joy and “Hosanna” prophesied,*
The Blessed One coming had now arrived.
With a carpet of cloaks and palm branches to wave,
Praises they shouted to the One Who would save.
Though not yet understanding His ultimate mission,
Disciples and children still sang in adoration.
This Day: Future
One day in the future the King will come again,
Not as humble Servant but as Conqueror to reign.
All will bow the knee, even scoffers and oppressors;
The indifferent and atheists will join them as confessors
That “Jesus Christ is Lord,” as the truth is recognized.
The submission of that day echoes eternity’s reprise:
“All things created for Him, to Him all glory due;
Salvation, honor, blessing - we live to worship You.”**
This Day: Present
And this day, my day…how shall it be defined?
Let every day I live of Palm Sunday be a kind.
Let my soul in ardent worship wave a branch before my King,
As my thoughts and words throughout each day true praises to Him bring.
“Hosanna” saved my soul - and saves - from what, left alone, I’d be
In gratitude then let me love Jesus Who died for me.
As Your eyes meet mine amongst the crowd of followers, dear Son,
May all I am be all for Thee, my Lord, the Holy One.

*Psalm 118:22-26, Zechariah 9:9
**Philippians 2:9-11, Revelation 5:12-14