Not a Chance

 Easter Trilogy: Resurrection Sunday
“But God raised Him from the dead, putting an end to the agony of death,
since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.” – Acts 2:24 (NASB)
Not a chance that Jesus in the grave would stay,
Not a chance – He’d promised He’d rise the third day.
Not a chance that sin could ever win,
Not a chance – let Hallelujahs begin!
Not a chance that death could hold Him in its power,
Not a chance – He resurrected at dawn’s hour.
Not a chance that men or Satan could hinder,
Not a chance – Jesus ever is over all Victor.
Not a chance that the Son wouldn’t rise to the throne,
Not a chance – and He brings with Him His own.
Not a chance His prophecies could ever fail,
Not a chance – God’s Word shall always prevail.
Not a chance that the King would relinquish His crown,
Not a chance – eternity shall witness His renown.
Not a chance that Alpha would not be Omega,
 Not a chance – for the I AM is Yeshua.
Not a chance that His feet had all steps past,
Not a chance – in Revelation they’re like fine brass.*
Not a chance His nail-pierced hands would stay still,
Not a chance – John again their tenderness would feel.
Not a chance He Who gave sight would not again see,
Not a chance – He has looked upon even me.
Not a chance the Infinite had depleted His strength,
Not a chance – His days shall be without length.  
Not a chance the glad One never more joy would know,
Not a chance – satisfied, His pleasure prospers and grows.
Not a chance that Jesus shall not come again,
Not a chance – in the clouds, as it was back then.
Not a chance that I’ll never see His face,
Not a chance – He prayed we’d be with Him to gaze.**
Not a chance that His praises shall ever cease,
Not a chance – the redeemed bless their Prince of Peace!
*Revelation 1:12-18
**John 17:24