
Showing posts from 2024

Morning Prayer

  But He [Jesus] answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' " (Matt. 4:4) O God, please talk to me! As to Your Word I turn, Say what You will, only clearly; To hear Your voice I yearn. This time with You my lifeline is; I cannot start the day Without the bread that Your voice is - So talk to me, I pray. Challenge, comfort, or correct - Whatever You deem best. My heart kneels now in deep respect, Faith in Your words shall rest. Your presence and Your Book - true gifts Your Spirit melds together. O let my gaze from You not drift - From Trinity, my God forever. O God, please talk to me! As to Your Word I turn, Say what You will, only clearly; To hear Your voice I yearn.

Three Boley Girls

When I think about sisters and how deep the bond they share is, I think of John 19:25. "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister,..." On what was no doubt the hardest day of Mary's life, her sister was standing by her. A follower of Jesus herself, Mary's sister was thus her double sister in the family of God. She couldn't change the situation, but she was there, and it is safe to assume her presence was helpful to the mother who had to watch her Son die. I have long thought that someday I would write a poem about sisterhood because of my own sisters. Today is that day. While I was packing this evening for our upcoming move, traces of lines began to come together in my mind. Although nothing I could write could capture all our memories or all that my sisters mean to me, it is better to write something than nothing. Each phrase summarizes a story that could lead to another story and another story and...well, if you have been blessed

Through the Years

  "...these forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee;..." Deut. 2:7 "And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years..." Deut. 8:2 Today is a day I've been looking forward to for a couple of years: my   40 th   spiritual birthday. On July 18, 1984, I became a child of God through accepting the atoning work of Christ on my behalf. I've written my salvation testimony before, and it can be read at . Tonight I want to take a look back at each of those years, summarizing in a line what comes to mind as a lesson that God was teaching me from the time I became His at 4 years of age until this my 44 th year. The verses above are from some of Moses' last words to the children of Israel, as he reflected on the 40 years after the Exodus deliverance. I remember my dad quoting Deuteronomy 2:7 when he had been saved 40 years. The principle of remembering, highligh

Psalm 34

Psalm 34 has always been one of my favorite psalms. The verses in it are helpful along the ups and downs (particularly the downs) of life. In January, I started studying this psalm with a fine toothed comb – never more than a verse a day – looking up the Hebrew definitions of every word, and trying to understand the nuances of the Hebrew verb structures used. Not wanting to forget the rich word pictures and jewels of truth I was discovering, I decided to make my own paraphrase type of translation. Several times since then, I have gone back to reread the chapter, encouraged by what David penned after a rocky time in his own life. Our God never changes, and as He delivered David, He will deliver us. I hope the truths below are a blessing to you as well! Psalm 34 A Psalm of David, when he changed his behavior before Abimelech; who drove him away, and he departed (see I Sam. 21:10-15). 1 I will kneel before Yahweh to adore Him at all times; His song of praise shall continually

His Soldier

This poem comes with an important request: please don't read it by itself! It was written to be lyrics for the Scottish tune most familiar by the song title "Loch Lomond," the melody having first appeared in McGibbons' Scots Tunes Book 1 , published in 1742 . The second part of my request is that you play the instrumental music while reading the poem, letting the music bring the words to life, so to speak. The link to do that is: Thank you, and may His truth stir and encourage your soul! His Soldier The Angel of the LORD (Jesus) sets up His military camp in a circle around those who deeply revere Him and defer to His right to govern their lives, and is intentionally in the process of arming / equipping them for successful war. Good it is, and see - Oh taste it for yourself - how blessed is the warrior who will seek refuge in Him! -Psalm 34:7-8


"...I am with you always..." (Matt. 28:20) By my bed You sit with me To talk at night once more And my heart stirs at what faith sees - Kindness in Your eyes, my Lord. You always look at me with love, As does Your Father, too. It makes me want to know more of My holy God - all that is You. This year's Easter week is here, And with it comes reflection On Scripture's canvas painted clear; The Lamb is my salvation. Submission to the Father's will Had never been so costly; Strength met sorrow when You kneeled 'Neath olive trees surrenderingly. I wish I could've done something To help You way back then! Instead it was my own causing; You died for all my sin. Still today You're strong for me; Your gracious hands reach out To meet all needs so patiently. You'll never cast me out. At such a love my soul is stirred To love You back, my King; For when the Shepherd's voice is heard, All else is naught esteemed. Father, please send back Your Son! I long to

An Alphabet to Live By

Nineteen years ago and a continent away, a new alphabet was written. The twenty-six English letters became the starting point for twenty-six phrases that summarized important truths, truths important enough to be foundational stones for life building. The place?  The FMCA 3 rd -5 th grade classroom in Lima, Peru. The people? Miss Boley, Jared, Andrea, Jeff, Cailie, and Alex. The pattern? I'd write one phrase and an illustrative short story a week, with my students each getting a chance to pick one setting, and write one story as well. We memorized those twenty-six phrases as the year progressed, and though I don't know if my students remember any of them today, from time to time I think of a letter and its accompanying truth: D, Q, H, C.... Although it's not poetry, I decided a couple weeks ago to post that “Alphabet to Live By” on this blog. It is my prayer that a letter or two will resonate with each reader. The corresponding short stories are available on request.

The Hero of the Hall House

    Sometimes a hero doesn’t wear a cape.             He dresses in business casual and goes to work day in and day out to provide for his family.             He habitually does the dishes after supper so his wife can care for her mom’s medical needs.             He cleans up his kid’s throw-up in the middle of the night without complaining.             He says two words at the start of a secular business lunch: “Let’s pray,” and then does so in Jesus’ name.   Sometimes a hero doesn’t have a flashy logo to let everyone know who he is.             However, when coworkers, family, or restaurant servers make mistakes, he doesn’t belittle or berate them.             He makes short-term decisions that support his long-term goals.             He patiently spends a lot of time listening and talking with his wife and children, and exhibits Biblical wisdom in helping them grow.             He doesn’t push himself to the forefront of others’ attention in self-aggrandizement, but rather assumes t

The Valley's Edge

  Psalm 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me..." I stand at valley's edge tonight With loved one's hand in mine, And know that though, try as I might, To let go it is almost time. Memories of days now past Like whispers kiss my soul. Truths we lived this life outlast;  They'll see you to your goal. The Spirit, Son, and Father Will change your faith to sight, And He can never falter Who carries you to Light. At valley's edge we'll watch you go, And we will trust Him, too; You taught us how to love and know The God Who means so much to you.

Serving You

  “…Behold, let thine handmaid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.” 1 Sam. 25:41   “…you serve the Lord Christ.” Col. 3:24   If I were here when You were here, Son of God and Son of Man, What I’d want more than anything Would be to serve You at Your hand. Little things that must be done – Unimportant in themselves – I’d try to do for love of One Whose love all else excels.   I wish I could have washed Your feet, You Who washed other men’s, Or cooked and brought You food to eat When Your day’s work was at an end. I wish I could have given You Soft pillows for Your head, Or had a home to welcome You As through the land You’d tread.   A few small comforts – not a lot To give the King of Kings; But as I’d work, You’d fill each thought (To know You makes joy sing!). Ointment, mending, cold water, too, I’d try to anticipate each need; Watching, listening, then I’d do Whate’er I could for my Friend indeed.   But…I am here and that was then, Yet there is a way to serve Vi