
Showing posts from 2019

John 17 - Everything

I pray for them. I am not praying for the world but for those You have given Me, because they are Yours. Everything I have is Yours and everything You have is Mine, and I have been glorified in them. (John 17:9-10, HCSB)   "Everything I have is Yours," Said Jesus to the Father. Though I'm not He, yet still I see Truth there that can apply to me:   I should hold all with open hands Before My Father-King, And seek to yield to His commands - Surrender as His will demands.   My time, possessions, family, Reputation, skills and goals, These aren't my own, but His freely To mold as best for His glory.   Also, the things I do not like He nailed to Calvary with love’s spike; Failures intrinsic to my past Have met their match in Him at last.   "Everything You have is Mine," Said Jesus to the Father. Though I'm not He, yet still I see Truth there that may apply to me:   He has all

Angel Kisses

Tonight our church had a live nativity, and my four year old daughter was one of the angels. Twice during her twenty minute stint, she spontaneously leaned over to kiss the doll representing baby Jesus. Her love for her Savior was the pure adoration of a child. May we ever “kiss the Son” (Psalm 2) with the same awe.        Straw and stable - chosen nursery For the God of all eternity, When was revealed the mystery Of Divine love for humanity. And the angel kissed the baby.   Desert wilderness - great the heat Of Satan's temptations, but He beat Each one when He did Scripture repeat. Jesus Christ is the Victor complete. And the angel kissed the Word made Man.   Olive garden - surrender's prayer Was never more beautiful than there. He drank the cup to drink our share Of sin's dread curse...oh, my Jesus fair! And the angel kissed the Lamb.   Three days later He rose from the grave, Proving forever He

Trusting Him

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28)   This poem was written August 25, 2000, after a collegiate roller skating event in which I was – again – standing alone outside the rink during the couples’ skate. Always the hopeless romantic, I would often bounce between wondering if Mr. Right would ever come, to confidently trusting God to bring him in His best time. I’m glad to say that God is worth trusting!   I do not know the future; ‘Tis vain for me to try To understand its mysteries, And explain the reasons why.   I thought I had it figured out, I thought I understood; But then – again – my plans were changed, And still alone I stood.   For people come and people go But one thing stays the same: I know that Jesus loves me so, And so I’ll bless His name.   My time of waiting may be long Before my storybook romance

The Rich Kids

“We will not hide them from their children, telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done. And that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures… Therefore I love Your commandments more than gold, yes, than fine gold! The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver.” (Ps 78:4, II Tim. 3:15a, 119:127,72)     A-jingle and a-jangle, daily coins are spent, As they turn into dollars of years. We wonder what we did, and where the time went, But the treasure of a lifetime outlives smiles and tears.   Just who are the rich kids in this crazy world? Who are the ones possessing treasure unfurled? What can I do to give true wealth to my kids – Wealth that will steady them when life goes into skids?   I think back to my childhood; what really stands out? It wasn’t a home where money ruled the day, For my parents saw ete

John 21 - "Follow Me"

Jesus said to him, “…You follow Me.” - John 21:22 So, here we are at the end of John, Having watched Jesus 21 chapters long. The last words He says before the book’s close Are ones He still speaks to disciples He knows: "You follow Me.”     Get up and follow, even if you have failed.  You are His child; His forgiveness prevails.  Worry not over how others may serve.  He is your Lord; from Him do not swerve.  Fear not to follow, though suffering’s ahead.  Because He is with you, your heart need not dread.      Follow the Master Who’s always the same.  The One on the shore has spoken your name.   He loves you and looks for your love in return.  Say “Yes!” to the Lord for Whom our hearts yearn.  “You follow Me.”

John 20 - Blessed

“ Jesus said unto him, Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed: blessed are those that have not seen, and yet have believed. …Jesus Christ, Whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,” (John 20:29, 1 Peter 1:7-8)     I see by faith Him my eyes do not yet see, And this believing brings a well of happiness in me! To know Jesus in the deepest part of who I am Brings a comfort and a peace that naught else can.   You are mine, and I know You as my Lord! I have heard Your Voice speak through Your Word. I have seen by faith Your smile that makes me whole. I have felt Your upward tug upon my soul.   The joy we share is beyond earthly compare: Abiding fellowship of sweet communion rare, Sacred gift from God Who reaches down to men, Salvation’s cup of benefits fresh yet again.   You are mine, and I know You as my Friend

35 Years

“On Wednesday, July 18, 1984, MaryBeth gave her heart to Jesus...” -written on the inside cover of my childhood New Testament    35 years we’ve walked together, Jesus and me through fair and foul weather; 35 years His hand’s held mine, Never once letting go in rain or shine.   35 years God has been my Father, Not just as Creator, but because He’s Redeemer. 35 years the Spirit’s lived in me, Working to copy the Son’s image holy.   35 years His Book’s been my guide, Illumining the Savior by my side. 35 years since as child of four, He became my salvation forevermore.   35 years, and I’ve so much to learn: Of keeping Him the One for Whom my soul yearns, Of loving my Lord with all of my mind, Of living by faith when troubles I find.   And in 35 more, what will then be? Will I still be here, or in eternity? I know not the answer, but of this I’m sure: We’ll still walk together, for He’ll e

John 19 - Look and Live

“...Behold the Man!” “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 19:5, 3:14-15)   Look Jesus said it would come to pass, His suffering and death on Calvary’s cross. He planned it all out from the world’s very start; ‘Twas the only way possible to cleanse fallen hearts. He chose how it would be, and what He would do, And all of the details He already knew. He wanted the world His death to behold, To witness the plan of redemption unfold. So I come to the cross, knowing not what to say In response to what justice and love did that day. Isaiah speaks well: it was my sin He bore, My griefs that He carried, my stripes His flesh tore.   Live And when I beheld Him, and His Truth believed, My sin was forgiven, and pardon received. He stands today the victorious Lord, Risen from death,

John 18 - He Went Knowing All

Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward…” – John 18:4 After Gethsemane’s prayer of surrender, Jesus walked forth to meet His betrayer, Knowing all that would occur: Upon His holiness every rancorous slur, Upon His body every hatred hurled, And the worst, His Father’s wrath unfurled. Yet He went forth. He knew, too, what would happen as time progressed: Some would never choose to place in Him their trust. Some would, in His name, commit deeds unjust. And among even those who would love Him best, Failures would surface in temptations and tests. Sin runs deep, and in this world won’t rest. Yet He went forth. With calm authority He met every foe. He stuck to His duty when He wanted to go. He protected disciples, as He does all His own. He had nothing to hide, for His words’ truth was known. He knew that eternity was His kingdom’s throne, And from Calvary would come His victory alone. And He still goes fo

John 17 - He Prayed for Me

“I pray for those who will believe in Me… You have loved them as You have loved Me.” (John 17:20,23)     The Passover was finished, the first Communion given, He had washed their feet, they had sung a hymn; Jesus and His disciples left the upper room. Before their return would come the cross and empty tomb. Wrapping their cloaks about them as the night grew chilly, They made their way over terrain rough and hilly. They left Jerusalem in its noise and festivity, Traveling to Gethsemane rather reflectively.   Perhaps they passed a vineyard as Jesus spoke John 15. They trudged along as He talked of hardship, yet victory, in John 16. And then He stopped, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and prayed. Eternity caught its breath at the beauty of such love displayed. He prayed for me. Glory, purity, unity: They flow through His words more brilliantly Than the Northern Lights could ever be. Yet what sparkling diamond captures my awe chiefly? He prayed