
Showing posts from 2023

Trekking into Tomorrow: A Poem for the New Year

  “…He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say: ‘The LORD is my helper; I will not fear…’” (Hebrews 13:5-6)   Swinging out into 2024, With but a peek at what’s beyond the door; What’s likely-to-be summons Faith’s muster In steady stance against Fear’s bluster. Then onward my soul, brandish your Sword; Your Father’s the King, your hope is His Word! Recount now His deeds – He’s ever the same; Look up and smile – He’s called you by name.   Though I’m but a pilgrim in this changing world, My Father made Heaven with glory unfurled. Though all that is holy here may be challenged, My Father’s not daunted; Elijah He encouraged. Though varied limitations bar my way, My Father blew the Red Sea’s waters away. Though tasks and time are out of proportion, My Father spoke light at dawn of Creation.   Though I don’t know yet how events will unfold, My Father tells me to come to Him bold.   Though my strength to represent Him is small, My Father was kind to Hag

Laodicea: The Wretched Rich

  Revelation 3:14-22   “We are the Church, young and cool, Too hip to sign up for God’s total rule. We’ve got cash, and we can do suave. We flirt with Truth, but have no resolve.”   “We are the Church,” others may boast, “We have all we need, for wealth matters most. With a nod of assent to God, we go on - Secure in our folly, old and settled and wrong.”   “You are My Church!” the Amen cries, “But lukewarm devotion has blinded your eyes To your wretched condition of misery. I stand on the outside of such piety.”   Oh, may it never, never be That anything’s enthroned but Thee! The gift of communion from Your heart to mine Makes trinkets of treasures I’d otherwise find.     * * *   We’ve reached the end of Christ’s seven letters, But in our own time, we’d do well to remember The Church’s condition is defined by its members. Let our hearts leap in faith as His eyes search our souls, With a yearning to know Him still the leader of goals,   The love that He gave the pulse of our hearts, And

Philadelphia: The Weak Warriors

  Revelation 3:7-13   Here You stand: eternal Conqueror, Holy, true, key to David’s power. What You open, none can close; What You shut, no opening knows.   Here I kneel: strength of small measure, Holding to Your Word my treasure. Let ne’er my words or deeds deny The steadfast One Who for me died.   In love You call a weak warrior, Saying, “Look, here is an open door!” Where is it? Right in front of me.* What is it? Christlike influence opportunity.     I don’t know every open door yet to be; Help me walk through the one that I can see. Your hand holds mine, as I echo the song,** “They are weak, but He is strong.”         *In verse 8, the word “before” literally means “in sight of” (Greek, enopios ). **Line 4 of stanza 1, “Jesus Loves Me,” by Anna Warner.

Behind the Scenes

     In 1974, educator Erno Rubik came up with a hands-on way to teach architecture students about three dimensional spaces. Although this Hungarian professor could not have guessed it at the time, his “Magic Cube” would become one of the world’s most popular toys. Forty-nine years later, millions of Rubik’s Cubes are still sold annually (, and I would venture to say that most of us have tried to solve the colorful block puzzle at one time or another. I would also hazard a guess that most of us have never successfully completed the challenge, though I have known some children who have tried such tactics as removing and reapplying stickers on different squares, or even taking the block apart completely in an attempt to restructure it “correctly.”      Life can be like a Rubik’s Cube, can’t it? We see hints of how to get everything lined up the way we want it to be, but sometimes, no matter how hard we work, things just don’t make sense. Enter God. He is the onl

Sardis: The Esteemed Empty Ones

  Revelation 3:1-6   Reputation, honor, a name of prestige – Desirable gems that dazzle and tease; The church at Sardis laid claim to these, But inside were empty, defiled, deceased.   Oh, Savior, revive us again! Cleanse us from all hidden sin! Make us watchful and strengthened; What really counts is the Father’s opinion.   How does it happen, this internal decay? Surely the battle’s not lost in a day, But rather in tiny steps leading astray That over time make hollow words that we say.   Oh, Savior, revive us again! Cleanse us from all hidden sin! Make us watchful and strengthened; What really counts is the Father’s opinion.   Now Sardis the city had known a similar fate: Built on a mountain, impregnable, great – “We don’t need a guard!” they’d swallowed pride’s bait – But Persians surprised them with fatal checkmate.*   Oh, Savior, revive us again! Cleanse us from all hidden sin! Make us watchful and strengthened; What really counts is the Father’s opinion. What others think about w

Thyatira: The Divergent Disciples

  Revelation 2:18-29   Son of God with eyes like fire Seeing every thought, deed, and desire, And feet like brass through judgment passed For us, yet Judge Whose verdict lasts* – You always see and call out truth     Straight to the core; it’s Your love’s proof Wed to Your wise and holy gaze. Thyatira’s church and our own days Both need Your words so desperately, If conquerors with You we’d be.   Right is right and always so, And to some teachers we say “No.” For tolerance can go too far, And we must side with where You are; The line of Your authority Must by Your church respected be.   Holding fast to Your Word faithfully, Help us be true ‘til You we see In all Your glory, dear Morning Star, Wholly His Who for us bears nail scars. *John 5:22

Pergamos: The Conflicted Congregation

  Revelation 2:12-17   We all hold fast to something; Top priority assigning, It’s worth promoting and protecting, Advancing and defending.   Believers at Pergamos were the same. Some valued and held fast to Christ’s name, Even in a city whose allegiance Satan claimed. Not even martyrdom could change their holy aim.   Others held fast to mis-guided Christian liberty; The same word “hold” described their tenacity. “Enjoy what you will, you have security;” But living like this had fettered the free.   Jesus told them repent, or face Him as foe. Trade idols’ meat, His manna to know. Instead of a stumblingblock, receive a white stone – A vote of His favor, a new name of their own.   Against all* that would from Christ detract, May holding fast to Your name be what I enact Day in and day out, because of the fact That I am Your own by salvation’s pact.   *This is a word play on the name Antipas , whom Jesus mentioned in verse 13.

Smyrna: The Steadfast Sufferers

  Revelation 2:8-11 Contrasting word pictures to Smyrna were given In the message Jesus told John should be written. Surely His words helped them back then, And they still extend courage as I read them again.   Jesus is the First and the Last. My Lord is both “protos” at the very beginning, and “eschatos” when all else has seen ending.   He was dead and is alive. Though He once became dead because He loved me, the Author of Life lives eternally.   He knew they were poor, but said they were rich. He saw their hardships of poverty and testing, yet their treasure in heaven this earth was besting.   He knew the blasphemy of those who claimed to be Jews, but were a synagogue of Satan. Some insulted the truth of God Whose worship they feigned, but He saw their origins; false claims won’t be sustained.   “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer.” ‘None of those things?’ Jesus, are You sure? He is; over terror His peace shall endure.   You will have tribulation ten days. In the momen

Birthday Reflections

  “...He is your life and the length of your days..."  - Deut. 3 0:20   Today is my birthday. For 43 years, I’ve breathed Your air,  been refreshed by Your gracious gifts of food and water,  and always had a place to lay my head at night.   Your Word has intersected with every one of those 43 years i n one way or another,  my constant companion in good and bad times. T he written Word has given me the Word-Made-Flesh.   You have given me blessings  that people in other places and centuries could only dream of: f reedom and education, a mind that could learn how to read,  and eyeglasses to make that possible.   You gave me a wonderful family growing up,  a husband of stability and children of joy,  and health to enjoy life together.  So many kind people have mirrored You in one way or another.   Beyond this life, You give me the promise of eternity  beholding Your face, the end for which I was made  and long for deeper than I want anything else.  That is more sure than anything vis

Ephesus: The Faithful Forgetters

  ­Revelation 2:1-7   Years of faithful serving And patient laboring, Truth affirming, Evil hating – Yet their light was flickering.   What threatened to their lamp extinguish? Christ said they had their love relinquished. Perhaps loss started undistinguished As cynicism of experience Stole joy, but led to rebuke’s anguish.   Christ’s words hurt, but they could heal; He saw inside all that was real Past duty’s persevering steel To love that had become congealed. He said “Remember, repent” in zeal.   Your eyes look even where I dwell: I’ve served You long, and perhaps well, But Father, Savior, Spirit, tell What is inside – does love for You make my heart swell Ardently unparalleled?   Oh, may it ever, ever be That love for Jesus inside me Is living, vibrant, flowing free Back to the One Who died for me! His love gave all at Calvary.

For the Master

  “…the LORD sent a prophet unto the children of Israel, which said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel…” – Judges 6:8   “…The Lord knoweth them that are His…If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” – 2 Timothy 2:19-21   An unnamed prophet God did send To challenge Israel their ways to mend. We don’t know much about the man, But he was ready at God’s command. In Scripture he only shows up once, Upstaged by an angel’s appearance To Gideon and all that would unfold. But let this prophet our attention hold; In the time of Judges’ disarray Faithful to his God he’d stayed, Ready for when and if God chose To use him publicly, His glory to show.   With eyes seeking the Master today I stand, Ready to do what He commands. Seen or unseen by other men - It matters not. Faithfully then, Honorably for Him, useful to be, Obedient to serve as He bids me.   And the Master today

Not a Chance

 Easter Trilogy: Resurrection Sunday   “But God raised Him from the dead, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.” – Acts 2:24 (NASB)   Not a chance that Jesus in the grave would stay, Not a chance – He’d promised He’d rise the third day. Not a chance that sin could ever win, Not a chance – let Hallelujahs begin! Not a chance that death could hold Him in its power, Not a chance – He resurrected at dawn’s hour. Not a chance that men or Satan could hinder, Not a chance – Jesus ever is over all Victor.   Not a chance that the Son wouldn’t rise to the throne, Not a chance – and He brings with Him His own. Not a chance His prophecies could ever fail, Not a chance – God’s Word shall always prevail. Not a chance that the King would relinquish His crown, Not a chance – eternity shall witness His renown. Not a chance that Alpha would not be Omega,  Not a chance – for the I AM is Yeshua.   Not a chance that His feet had all steps past, Not a

Your Gifts

Easter Trilogy: Good Friday   “Jesus answered, ‘You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above…’” – John 19:11   One awful, awe-full day You stood Alone, the Giver of all good, When men created to know You Did ultimate rebellion do. We used Your gifts against You then - High travesty by sinful men. Your Father turned His face away; You became sin, His wrath to pay.   Your gift of smiles and sweet laughter We turned to scorn, and mocked our Maker. Your gift of hands to help and hold, We used to slap in hatred cold. Your gifts of friendship and of choice We raised against You with one voice. Your gift of even digestive spit, We hurled at You in sheer contempt. Your gift of wood to craft and build We nailed You to when You were killed. Your gifts of justice, pow’r, and reason We used against You in high treason.   You gave us clothes to show salvation; We gambled Yours in degradation. You gave us life, we traded death To the very One Who gave us breath.

This Day

Easter Trilogy: Palm Sunday   “This is the day which the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24   This Day: Past A burst of sunshine amidst threatening days As the Son of David held their gaze; Celebration’s joy and “Hosanna” prophesied,* The Blessed One coming had now arrived. With a carpet of cloaks and palm branches to wave, Praises they shouted to the One Who would save. Though not yet understanding His ultimate mission, Disciples and children still sang in adoration.   This Day: Future One day in the future the King will come again, Not as humble Servant but as Conqueror to reign. All will bow the knee, even scoffers and oppressors; The indifferent and atheists will join them as confessors That “Jesus Christ is Lord,” as the truth is recognized. The submission of that day echoes eternity’s reprise: “All things created for Him, to Him all glory due; Salvation, honor, blessing - we live to worship You.”**   This Day: Present And this day, my day…how shall

His Story

  “But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased.” – Psalm 115:3   Alive and quite active, my Father reigns Over every day of every year. No matter what happens, this truth remains: He is the Lord; Scripture is clear. Whether obvious or hidden, Providence is at work; He cannot be stopped by evil and sin. History becomes His scribal clerk; What may when in process seem foggy, unclear In retrospect often is understood best. Master of All, He stands without peer; His children can trust Him no matter their test. Many dismiss His authority to rule, But hatred and scorn will do them no good. Psalm 2 states that God will them ridicule; The Sovereign Son reigns as He should. This God of all history is also my Friend; From big to small things He sees all with care. Puzzles and mazes are all solved in Him; His gift is the knowledge that He’s always there.