
Showing posts from 2016

Why "Silent Night" Wasn't Silent

This is a poetry blog, but today's thoughts are in prose. Can you imagine how long of a poem it would have been to convey everything? 😊           Yesterday at 1:11pm my husband and I headed to the children’s hospital with our 19 month old daughter. We didn’t walk out of that building until 8:00, and the intervening hours were not dull, to say the least…           Bethany had been sick since Monday afternoon with a tummy virus and congestion. Her brother and cousins had all had the same thing last week, so we settled in to fight the 72-hour bug one more time. One of our biggest concerns was preventing dehydration, which we worked at every way we could. I literally held her all day/night for several days, giving her water one teaspoon at a time. In many ways, she was improving, but by Thursday night, her lack of wet diapers was concerning us. I didn’t want my baby to have an IV, but by Friday noon, we knew that was most likely what was necessary.           I hated the proces


“He made the stars also…” (Gen. 1:16) Every now and then at close of day I step outside for a change of pace, To feel the night’s cool breeze and see The starry sky looking down at me. The coolness of night with its gift of repose Mirrors serenity nothing else knows, Except for the fellowship that we share: My Lord and I, He’s beyond compare.    Pin pricks of starlight so far away Make me think of another day, And what it was like when the God Who made them Walked upon earth as the Incarnate Man. In the Gospels we’re told that He’d rise up and pray Before the hustle and bustle of day. As He sat on the hillside in the quiet dark night, He must have looked up at stars silent and bright. Did they remind Him of when at command of His Word He flung them in space as Creation’s Lord? Did He think all the more of His Father and home, That He missed while on earth for us He did roam? Did they remind Him of us, the ch

So Shine

Matthew 5:16 – “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father Which is in heaven.” “Let your light so shine, Glorifying your Father.” This was Your command To disciples at hand. Well, I’ve taken the plunge To shine publicly, But I pray that I’ll always Serve with purity. Competition and pride Would Your awesomeness hide, So keep them far from me; May I look only to Thee. If I start to slip Without even knowing, I beg You to show me Immediately. Please touch other lives, Both near and worldwide, With the greatness of You Through all that I do. Your glory’s my goal, Your love’s my sweet song, That others may join Redemption’s glad throng. And I’ll bow the knee Of my heart unto Thee, As Your humble handmaid, My life at Your cross laid.

The Runner's Baton

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” II Tim. 4:7 I’ve been entrusted with the Truth, A rare and precious gift, And it’s my job to pass it on As I run life’s race so swift. So many through the years I’ve known Have loved and lived for Him And it’s my turn, as they have shone, To never let His light grow dim. To stay the course consistently, To focus on the prize, To never stop, to faithful be Before all watching eyes.   My children see me every day; They must see Christ in me, If they’re likewise to Him obey When the baton transfers again shortly. There’s more to life than temporal things And pleasures we enjoy. We run for Jesus, King of Kings; His will is our employ. So run today I must, I will, With all that in me is! His strength will keep me running still  Through all my life, the  glory His.

To My Savior

“Bless the LORD, O my soul.” – Psalm 103 Holy Savior, Son of God, On this very Earth You trod, Stepped across the universe, Born to become one of us. Holy Savior, Son of Man, Living by the Father’s plan, Died to pay the price for sin So we could be born again. Holy Savior, I need You! Though I’ve received life anew, Still I often fail to be All that I know honors Thee. Holy Savior, Gracious Friend, God Who loves me without end, Make my life a fragrance sweet As I worship at Your feet. Holy Savior, Heaven’s King, There one day Your praise I’ll sing, And until then here do the same As I seek to live Your Name.


“…the glory of children are their fathers.” – Proverbs 17:6 A mirror of my daddy’s face Is in my soul; time can’t erase All that he means, or his embrace; He’ll always hold an honored place. I think of my dad every day, And often wish he could have stayed. I’d give a lot to hear what he’d say To grown-up questions I’d send his way. I’d give a lot if he could know The man I married, who’s like him so, And watch his grandchildren as they grow; But God’s answer to those hopes was “no.” When I was young, I never knew How great my daddy really was; I grew Up not quite knowing just how true An unsung hero he was, how great his honor due. But he knew we loved him, and he gave His love to his family, who bear his name. He lives today beyond the grave, Because of Jesus, Whose power does save. So, Daddy, know I still love you, And will until this life is through; And then in Heaven with life anew I’ll sing His

A Home Like Bethany

John 14:23 - Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him. Dear Christ, when You were here on earth, And traveling dusty roads, There was a place You loved to be – A home in the town of Bethany. There Your weary feet could rest, Your spirit be encouraged, For Bethany betokened love, A reminder of Your home above. A place to go, forever welcome, To fellowship with friends; To eat a meal, or just be still,   To love, and to be loved. Lord Jesus, we kneel before You know, Just starting our own home; We consecrate it all to Thee –   Oh, make it like Bethany! May You always be welcome within our doors, Just as You were by those friends; Help us always to treasure and worship You With all that we are and do. Help us also daily to love one another, Living Your sacred design. Make us one

To Love You

“Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment.” Mark 12:29-30 "To love the LORD my God," This is the great command. It is the highest call that my Allegiance can demand. “To love the LORD my God With all my heart and soul, With all my mind and strength,” This is my foremost goal. I love You with my heart! Feelings, desires bend their knee To You, for You gave up Your own In dark Gethsemane. I love You with my soul! My spirit yearns for You, Creator and Completer Who Alone breathes life and truth. I love You with my mind! Thoughts, questions, reasonings Do kneel in faith and choose to dwell On You the Answer, wisdom’s well. I love You with my strength! All that within me is Uni


Revelation 4:11 "...for Your pleasure they [all things] are and were created." One day I planted tiny seeds, And dreamed of fragrant flowers fair That soon would grow and bud and bloom, And grace the air with their perfume. The dirt was rich and watered right; The spot would get good bright sunlight. Well-cut stones enclosed the plot;  B lankets of mulch finished the spot. With dusty hands I strode away. I’d put in good hard work that day, And my rewards the time would tell. My job was through, and finished well. But, lo, it was not so to be! For as the little flowers pushed Their bright green stems up through the ground, There came imposters scattered round. At first I didn’t notice them (So harmless did they all blend in). But as the days and weeks went by They grew much stronger, thick and high. Then one day I chanced to pass And saw the weeds' results at last. ‘Twas then I learned a less


“Her children arise up, and call her blessed…” – Prov. 31:28 I stepped outside the eighth of May To cut some flowers for Mothers’ Day, But stopped on steps and looked about For morning did its message shout. The secrets of the clear bright dawn Sang out to me a mother’s song, And truths that I saw pictured there I now write down with you to share. As newly risen sun did shine On all its pale orange rays did find, I thought of tender smiles I’ve seen From my mom, that gave light to me. I heard the varied songs of birds Who praise their Maker without words. My mom’s sweet songs still fill my heart For she often sang as she moved about. I saw the trees stand tall and straight. I’ve seen them stay the same; it’s great To know my mom still steady is Through all life’s changes of that and this. I felt the gentle breeze of spring The refreshing coolness that it brings, Li

Special Guest Author

Today I am excited to post a poem by Olivia Skye Roberts, a beautiful and very talented young lady at our church who loves the Lord with all her heart. She recently entered this diamante poem in a school contest. It's a great reminder that "...greater is He Who is in you than he that is in the world." (I John 4:4) God Trustworthy, compassionate Saving, calling, hoping for peace Father, Holy Spirit, Creator, King of Kings Hellish Angel, Evil, Satan, Lucifer Deceiving, destroying of lives, leading of false believers Wicked, diabolic Devil

Out of Many Waters

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal. 6:2 (see also Psalm 18:16-19) The ice was thin that winter day, And the lad fell in as he was at play. Dark, cold water pulled him under; "Would he make it out?" his mind did wonder. He tried to fight, but strength was soon gone - His body numb, he struggled all alone. What had started out a happy day Now seemed a million miles away. Surviving became his greatest goal; Seconds seemed millennia, and he felt old. For still the water with it's relentless pull Made him feel like he'd been played for a fool. Then thoughts came that he should just let go: "Why try anymore when you are so low? You can't hold on forever, you know. Give up, slip away, heaven's better anyway." But deep inside he knew what was real, And he cried out for help in a desperate appeal. And God answered: "He sent from above,... He took him out of many waters" by His love. G

Darkness and Light

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. II Corinthians 4:6 The earth was dark, and then God spoke; Created light, and darkness broke Away, for it could not abide When God decreed that day would be. But Adam sinned one perfect day, And from God’s light he turned away. And in the hearts and lives of all Sin brought its darkness at the Fall. One day years later from noon ‘till three, When Jesus hung upon a tree, Day turned dark; God turned away. Where our sins were He could not stay. The Son and Author of all light Died all alone in darkest night. It was an awesome, awful trade When Purity our sin was made. Three days later at Sunday's dawn Night turned to day with glorious burst Of joy, for Jesus rose again! The Daystar triumphed o'er sin’s worst. In my heart, too, the light did shine

Help for Housekeeping

Proverbs 30:24-28 It may not seem important In eternity’s grand theme, But how I keep my dwelling place Affects the outcome of my race. Perhaps it should be easy, Without a second thought, To keep it all in top ship-shape; Yet the truth is that it’s not. But God’s Word has some secrets For those who care to look, Because all wisdom can be found In the pages of His Book. Four creatures on the earth are small But are exceeding wise, And Proverbs thirty tells us all How what they do can change our lives. The ants prepare their winter’s food In summer’s pleasant days. I need to plan and work and save, So home’s prepared for rainy days. Rock badgers make, though they are weak, Their houses in the rocks, And I must likewise daily seek My strength for tasks from Christ my Rock. The locusts have no king, yet go They forth in ordered bands. Organizing space and work at hand Puts clutter’s chaos at calm command