
Showing posts from 2021

The Captive Maidservant: Heroine of Forgiveness

  And the Syrians had gone out on raids, and had brought back captive a young girl from the land of Israel. She waited on Naaman's wife. Then she said to her mistress, "If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria! For he would heal him of his leprosy." 2 Kings 5:2-3    Two verses…sharp cliffs of contrast in a child’s life: One side her worst nightmare, caused by national strife; The other a result of her choice to forgive, And make the best of where she now lived. To be torn from her parents she’d never have chosen, Yet faith’s warmth in her soul could not be frozen. Jehovah was with her in a new land and language, And her choices would give to her captor Truth’s knowledge.     Remarkably, she came to genuinely care About Naaman and his wife and how they would fare, And one day in heaven, we’ll meet all three there.* Then from Scripture’s portrait of this captive girl rare, Let us also have courage to do as she dared. When life

The Bible

“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:8   A truer compass never marked Directions on which to embark; The finest map of great detail Next to His Book loses all scale. Eternal destiny and faith Are based on “Thus the Lord saith.” His Words the daily bread we crave For here and now, and past the grave. From strength to strength we travel on Undaunted, in our hearts His song That stills our souls when storms arise: His promise true, though dark the skies. Then steady on, we bank our all On Him Whose Word can never fall. With love we linger in His pages, To know Him more, God of the Ages.

An Open Letter to Parents

  Chattanooga, TN October 22, 2021                Early yesterday morning I mentally revisited events of twenty-five years ago. Then a sixteen year old, I sat in the back of the family mini-van with my two brothers and two sisters on the way to school. Now a mom in the back of an SUV, I looked at my two sons and two daughters. Then, we had recently found out my dad had cancer. Now, we were on the way to drop off our children so my husband and I could go to his first cardiologist’s appointment. Then, I remembered the unwavering faith of my mom. Now, I was the mom.             So, I have decided to write this open letter to any parent who will read it. These thoughts have been a fire in my soul since November 28, 2018, but, perhaps, now is the time to share them. I pray they will make a difference.             The core of the matter is this: the best gift you as a parent can give your children is to put something in them that will get them through the hard times. They have to know God. T

Noah: Faithful Preacher

  “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” Genesis 6:8   For decades he worked with gopher wood; As a preacher of righteousness alone he stood. In a world where evil had overtaken good, He found grace and obeyed and did what he could. Surely he mourned for those who would not see That the ark was God’s salvation for all who’d believe. But scoffers didn’t stop him; he’d heard God’s voice clearly, So he just kept right on building, and the rest is history.   God honored his faith; sprinkled throughout His Word Are tributes to Noah’s obedience to his Lord.* And in our own times, where Truth brings a sword, God’s gracious commendation is still the best reward. Then to the faithful: keep cutting down trees; Endure rejection, though it drive you to your knees. If no one follows, yet God you please, The difference that’s made is eternity’s.   *Hebrews 11:7, 2 Peter 2:5, Ezekiel 14:20, Matthew 24:37

30 Hours*

  “And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.” – Revelation 21:5   30 hours in heaven… What you must now have seen! The face of the Savior, Jesus your King; Loved ones embracing, welcoming; Radiant brilliance, splendor, and peace; All this world’s sorrows traded for bliss. Oh, the unmeasured joy that must fill your soul, As you gaze oft at Him Whose Name was your goal! No longer a pilgrim stranded in time; Forever at home where God’s glory shines.   Soccer mom here just a few weeks ago; Proud of your kids – as your texts to me show. Walking through life with Bruce your best friend; He stayed by your side all the way to the end. And though our hearts ache, we’d not bring you back; For we’re also on the heavenward track. So scope out some places to show us someday; Give our love to our dear ones who’ve finished earth’s fray. Enjoy the sheer wonder of be

Amminadab's Family: Generational Leaders

  “Hear, O Israel: The  Lord  our God, the  Lord  is one!   You shall love the  Lord  your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”   - Deuteronomy 6:4-7 A girl and a boy that had a good dad – So starts the legacy of Amminadab. The little girl Elisheba would grow up to marry Aaron, who’d one day the title “High Priest” carry. The little boy Nahshon God would choose to be Judah’s tribal leader when the Israelites were free. Nahshon had a son, Salmon was his name; He married Rahab, for true faith she proclaimed. Their son Boaz kept that faith for himself, Though cultural confusion made the judge of “right” one’s self. Boaz married Ruth as her kinsman redeemer, Then came Obed, Jesse, David…all the way to our Savior.     A

Jochebed: Courageous Mother

  “…and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment.” – Hebrews 11:23 (For more of her story, see Exodus 2:1-10)   She lived in a world not unlike ours today, Where evil was common and often held sway. God’s people enslaved, their unborn were threatened. Despairing deliverance, many were frightened.   Yet in a dark time of national peril, We read of her actions, daring and special. With purpose and boldness fear couldn’t paralyze, She planned and she prayed, and she saw with faith’s eyes.   Her deeds were not finished when his life was safe; She labored to nurture a little boy’s faith, For she knew that his time of testing would come. What his parents instilled would not be undone.   Then rise up, dear Mamas, and dread not the foe; Those children are yours, and they ought to know There’s a God Who is real and still on His throne. He never will leave us, so fight for your own.   Put Scripture inside them; it’s vital, it’s true. They nee

The Persecuted

  "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven..." Matthew 5:10-12 Those who hungered and thirsted for righteousness Have been filled with the likeness of Christ. And now, in a world where rebellion is flaunted, They are persecuted, vilified, insulted. Persecution, not from their fault or mistake, Has chased after them because of Christ’s sake.   Yet shoulder to shoulder with prophets they stand, For this hostility snarls in all times and lands.   “Rejoice! Be glad! The kingdom is yours!” Said the King Who forever endures. Nothing can stop Him; no evil o’erpower Him. The fellowship of His suffering’s a gem*, Because being with Him and seeing His smile   Is worth it no matter the hardship or trial. Then press on to know Him, flinch not at the test; In His paradigm, the persecuted are blest. *Philippians 3:10, John 12:25-26, Acts 5:41-42

The Peacemakers

  “Blessed  are  the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9   Peacemakers in a world of hate: “How so to be?” brings great debate. Is it best to yield what we believe, To pacify and strife relieve? The answer is found where the same Greek word For “peacemakers” here is used as a verb:* The Father made peace t hrough blood of the Son’s cross. Through Jesus, atonement's made for the lost.   In this the basis of true peace is given, And sin can’t be ignored for reconciliation. Our shoes are the gospel of peace – second birth; His footprint we leave as we walk through this earth. When we bring His answers to any given place, The Father’s reflection in us is traced. His Divine perspective people in us observe; We are known then to be like the God that we serve. *Colossians 1:19-20 ( eirenopoieo/eirenopoios used only these two places in the NT)

Birthday Gifts from Heaven

This poem was a birthday gift to my brother David in 2018, but it rings true for all of us. Though God is not obligated to give us all these things every year, He often chooses to do so.   I give you the start of a fresh 365 days of life.             365 new pages for your autobiography, clean and white,             That you may fill with deeds of honor, integrity, and right.   I give you things you can see to remind you of Me.             365 sunrises, the grandeur of the mountains, a caressing breeze,              Vastness of the starry sky, birds singing from the trees.   I give you things you cannot see.             Eternal strength to sustain you whatever life brings,             Love, grace, forgiveness, peace - all invaluable things.   I give you enablement to mirror My Son.             As father and leader in your home and nation,             You have the capacity to reflect Him in every situation.   I give you the undying love and respect of

The Pure in Heart

  “Blessed  are  the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:3   The pure in heart: washed clean, unstained, From hidden vice unchained, Who’ve come to love His name, And seek to honor all His claims. They care not for the praise of man, But obey orders from His hand. They look and long within His Word   To see clearly, and know Him more.   They shall see God: what rich reward By very promise of our Lord! In heaven, yes, but also now, His home with them He will endow*. Then their home will His shadow be**, As they behold their Lord’s glory. Faith’s eyes will see Him as He is; There is no greater gift than this!     *John 14:21-23 **Psalm 91:1

The Merciful

  “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” Matthew 5:7     Blessed are the merciful, compassionate: Ones in whom the Shepherd’s heart resonates, Who look at others with kind eyes. There truth is wed to grace – a prize Of beauty rare this holy gift, That reaches out to others lift, Rescuing from a miserable condition.* Christ’s love in them has found extension.   And how shall they be blessed by Him Whose very scars sing mercy’s hymn? They shall obtain mercy at His hand; This is the wonder God has planned.   Compassion’s smile a triad makes: From Him to them as others partake. Let His mercy then in me find rest, As I reflect the image of the Best.         *This line is the definition of mercy as given by Dr. Jim Berg in his sermon “More Than Enough Mercy.”

For Those Who Stand

"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 Papa, Right now I pray for those who stand for You against the rip current of society’s sin, and as lights in a confused Christendom . Give them the courage of Daniel and his friends, The boldness of Stephen before the council, and Isaiah before kings. Speak with them as You spoke with Moses on the mountain; Let them walk with You as Enoch did. Let Abraham’s faith and Matthew’s following find resonance in their souls. Duplicate in them the worship of David, and the love of John. Bring them through discouragement as You did Elijah, And persecution as You did Paul. May the Biblicity of Josiah be a hallmark of their lives, And grant them understanding of the times as You did for Isaachar’s 200. Make them watchmen who stand in the gap as You instructed Ezekiel, Filled with the Spirit as

The Hungry and Thirsty

  “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6   I’ve watched You walk across Scripture’s pages: The holy, spotless One Whose piercing gaze looks through the ages With truth and grace, heaven’s bright Son. You put in us a holy hunger To stand before You as we ought; But in countless ways, the whole world over, Your Divine smile billions have sought.   The thirst to know that You’re pleased with me Can only be quenched one way: “O righteous, innocent Lamb, I plead Give what I could never earn or pay.” Then Your endless supply of righteousness Is mine for eternity! A beggar no more, with Bread I am blessed, Enjoying the cup of salvation* daily.     * Psalm 116:12-13


  “Strength and honour are her clothing…” Proverbs 31:25 Last year on Mother’s Day, I wrote a blog post for my mom and Bill’s mom. Today, I write a tribute in honour of the two grandmothers I knew as a young adult, Mary Boley and Reba Hall. In these two ladies I observed portraits of truly classy people. With all my heart, I hope that as I age I will mirror the timeless qualities they exuded.     What marks a lady who has real class? That unchanging beauty though decades pass. It’s something that white hair and wrinkles can’t mask. It’s a fineness of soul no matter life’s task. It’s dignity and honour in the way that she dresses, And a smile that comes from her eyes and embraces The ones that she loves with acceptance and grace,   For harsh criticisms with her find no place. Class knows Whose she is and acts like He does: With kindness, instead of a frenzied mad buzz, Selflessly giving an interest in others. With courage continuing when she feels, “I’d rather…

Thank You

       When I got my first driver’s license, I marked that I wanted to be an organ donor should the uninvited opportunity to do so occur. It was a matter-of-fact decision: of course I would want to make a difference for someone one last tangible way, to give what I could as an expression of the second greatest commandment.     Since last Thursday evening, I have come to view organ donation from a new perspective. The Children’s Hospital of Atlanta flew this flag last Friday – Sunday in honor of my nephew, who received a liver transplant.  I now have experienced the emotions that come from being a family member of someone who was given a chance to live because of the gift someone he will never meet in this life gave. It is such a bittersweet gift. Though we do not know who they are, we have earnestly prayed for the family who lost a loved one. As my brother wrote, “We will be forever grateful to the family who in the midst of tragedy chose to give life to others.”     God never wastes a

The Meek

"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5   Right now the world may pass them by, These strong yet gentle souls; But they have not escaped His eye, Ones whom His Spirit controls. Deference, discipline in word and deed, Reactions yielded to Him - Following Christ has been their creed As self's bold way's grown dim.   "They shall inherit the earth," Christ said. What paradox is this! Sass and schemes to get ahead Never come to know His gifts. Blessing then goes to the meek As their Master they reflect, Who to foul sinners turned His cheek, That they might know Him yet.       *Thank you to people like Aunt Marcia, who have illustrated this beatitude for decades.