
Showing posts from 2015

The Greatest Gift Ever

I'm honored to post this week's poem by a guest author and true friend, my brother Jonathan Boley. Twas the night before Christmas And I couldn't sleep, I kept counting the presents That I'd get to keep. There were gifts of all sizes; ... What could they all be? I couldn't stop thinking Bout these gifts meant for me. But then my mind wandered To a far distant land Where the Son of God lived And dwelt among man. I pictured the babe That first Christmas Day; The greatest gift ever Was lying in hay. My journey continued To a hillside forlorn The babe, now grown, Was beaten and torn. And up on the hillside Hanging on that old tree The greatest gift ever Was dying...for me. Twas for me that He came And dwelt among men. Twas for me that He died To pay for my sin. For me and for you, God gave His own son, Through the greatest gift ever Our freedom was won. With this in my mind I realized with shame I'd forgotten the One Whose

Mary's Magnificat

(from Luke 1:38, 46-55) You’ve come to me, O great I Am, And revealed Your holy plan. My soul rejoices in my Lord; I praise You for Your blessed Word! I’m just Your humble handmaiden; I love and serve You, God. I want Your will above all else, Your praise all of my days to laud! Your mercy, strength and help fail not; They run the course of time To those who humbly fear Your name You fill their souls, their lives reclaim! I bow my head and worship As my heart and mind kneel, too. You keep all of Your promises - I joy to join in what You do!

My Bible

Psalm 119:97,130 – “O how I love Thy law! It is my meditation all the day. The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple.” My Bible is God’s gift to me, Revealing Him in great glory: Comforter, King, Redeemer, Friend Whose love for me will never end. So I will seek to know Him more, And, through the Scripture, Christ adore, As day by day He transforms me So that like Jesus I will be. Mirror, treasure, lamp to my feet, From it I learn the Truth complete. It speaks to my heart as naught else can, This wondrous book: God's gift to man!


O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. Ps. 95:6 T he sounds of children's laughter - H ow beautiful their smiles - A nd health and food and homes of love: N o gold could value these enough. K een minds to think and read and pray; S unrise, sunset - gifts of each day; G reen, red, blue, orange, the world of color I nfused with Your majestic splendor. V erity that does not change; I n all of life You are the same. N ow and always Your praise I sing; G ive thanks to You for all these things! T ell wisdom's marvel yet again: H ow in love You set me free, A nd give riches of Your mercy N ew each morning to me. K ind acts of gracious Providence S upplying all my needs, G rant life of true abundance I n place of sin's old deeds. V ict'ry over all You bring I n lives of Your redeemed. N ow and always Your praise I sing; G ive thanks to You for all these things!

His Robe

"See, I have removed your iniquity from you, and I will clothe you with rich robes." Zechariah 3:4 I was standing forlorn in the rags of my sin: Dirty and hungry and empty within, Tattered and torn with no hope in view, Because I'd deliberately walked far from You. But You came to my rescue before 'twas too late; You offered to cleanse me and wipe clean the slate. You cupped my despairing face in Your hands, And whispered, "I love you, and have wondrous plans." You made me Your daughter, a child of the light, And took off Your own robe so beautifully bright. Its softness encased me and melted my fear; Its fragrance was soothing - I knew You were near. The robe of my Shepherd, protecting and strong, Who searches for lost sheep all the night long. The robe of the sacrifice blood-stained for me, A blanket to cover, when I kneel before Thee. That robe is a picture of Your giving Yourself; In place of

My Words

" She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Proverbs 31:26 (see also Ps. 141:3, Prov. 18:21, Col. 4:6, Jms. 3:2-10)   So much in Scripture addresses the tongue, But to master it, Father, I've only begun. With wisdom and kindness fill my mouth this day, That love's gentle balm might fill all I say. Keep selfish concerns far away from my tone As I seek to mirror Your great love alone. Make each thought and word Your messenger, Lord, That to others I'll channel Your blessing outpoured. My children are like tiny delicate flowers, And blessing and cursing are in my tongue's power. Raindrops, not torrents, are what they need most, So help me reach out, with kind words draw them close. And to my dear husband make me a refreshing: Instead of draining him, be edifying, Instead of life's negatives, speaking the positive, Instead of my own pla

Sometimes...All Times

This was written the spring after our first miscarriage, and my uncle's departure from this world to heaven, which happened on Christmas Eve and Christmas of 2013. I pray the poem will be a blessing to those who may be grieving or going through difficult times today. Jesus is faithful. Nahum 1:7 Sometimes You're silent, and I don't know why; Sometimes are hard times, and I just want to cry. Sometimes my questions seem never to end; Sometimes I wonder if You're really my Friend. Sometimes I wonder if I really know You; Sometimes I wonder why You do what You do. Sometimes the hurt and the worry just stay; Sometimes I'm not sure the right words to pray. Sometimes it seems like the days are all bad; Sometimes it seems life will only be sad. Sometimes I'm scared to simply trust You When so many unknowns block the path's view. But this I do know: You are greater than "fate," And I can trust You though the answers must wait. My mind wa

A Clay Pot

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. II Corinthians 4:7 I'm just a clay pot, Lord; enable me now To let Your light shine through my life, for how I need Your strength hour by hour, Your wisdom and love and unstoppable power! Old habits and sin and ugly decay Would hold me back throughout the day, But I long to attain and I cannot forget What You've called me to, so I press on yet. It's worth the fight to do what's right, So illumine my life with the glow of Your light. That my family may see only Jesus in me, In the details of days let Your Spirit work free. Fill my thoughts and words with praises of You; In actions and reactions please shine through. Make kindness and cleanliness rules of the day, As this clay pot You use to show others Your way.

A Prayer for Trust

"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25 "She smiles at the future." Her heart is unafraid, for she is trusting in the LORD; On Him her mind is stayed. At what may be she does not stare; On Jesus is her gaze. And so tomorrow does not scare She who knows Ancient of Days. Dear Father, give this peace to me, For worries now loom large. Yet grace is my reality: You're Lord; I'm in Your charge. I trust You with the great unknown Of all that lies ahead. I lay my cares before Your throne, For by Your hand I'm led.

His Feet

"And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet..." Rev. 1:17 Sandals for the feet Of heaven's Sovereign King, Who traveled dusty roads For me God's truth to bring. Perfume for the feet Of Messiah, Jesus Christ: A gift from one who worshipped, May my heart be His likewise. Nails pounded in the feet Of the perfect Lamb of God; His death and resurrection Wrought my justification. Like fine brass those feet in heaven Are back home on streets of gold, And I sing of full salvation, The greatest story ever told. A crown at Jesus' feet One day I hope to place, And there I'll stay forever Adoring Jesus, face to face.

One Day The Trumpet Will Sound

"...I will come again..." John 14:3 One day the trumpet will sound,* And the Lord will call us home; Our loved ones He will gather To be with Him forever. One day the trumpet will sound, And our life here will be done. The righteous will shine in the kingdom Of their Father as bright as the sun. One day the trumpet will sound, And death for us will die. We'll have complete victory in Jesus, As we rise to Him in the sky. One day the trumpet will sound, And our faith will ever be sight When we bow to our blessed Savior, He Who called us from darkness to light. One day the trumpet will sound, So I do not say final good byes, But only, "Until then, I'll miss you," To those for whom my heart cries. One day the trumpet will sound, It's as sure as the God that I love, For He's given His oath to return And bring us to His home above. One day the trumpet will sound: It's an anchor when in

My Life to Give

"...present your bodies a living sacrifice..." - Rom. 12:1   There's a job to do, There's a race to run, There's a fight to wage, And it has begun. There's a God to know, To trust and love, To serve until He calls me above.   There's a time for courage, For sacrifice, To accomplish His goals, To pay the price.   There's a husband to love And children to train, And it's my life to give For the glory of His name.


"La Cena" is Spanish for the Lord's Supper. It was in Peru that I first had the opportunity to set out the grape juice and unleavened bread in preparation for the ordinance, and it was an honor. The church setting there was not unlike a first century church might have been. (Note that the Bible clearly teaches that the juice and bread are not the actual blood and body of Christ, merely poignant reminders of His atoning sacrifice for us. John 6:53-63) To "La Cena" - Your Table - You beckon me to come; So with a heart of holy awe I heed Your gracious call.   I come to gaze upon You, Lord, Grand Host with outstretched arms; I come to feast upon Your Word, To know You more, Christ I adore. I listen as You speak my name And say, "This is for you." You break the bread and pour the cup - Pictures of Your life offered up. You want me to "Remember You," And that I long to do, For You have made my life comp

The Master Speaks

"Follow Me," the Master said To men in Galilee; And yet the words of long ago Speak from the page to me. "Fear not," He calmly spoke Through stormy wind and wave; And still His gentle words Compel me to be brave. "I AM," He said and says With all authority. He changes not: the First, the Last, King of eternity. Lord, help me then to go Wherever You may lead, To give You all my doubts and fears, To live what I believe.

Jesus Comes to Help

“Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him.” John 14:23 When Jesus came to visit me, I needed it so much. I was so desperate for His help; I had to have His touch. He came this morning as I woke, and said He’d spend the day; He said He’d stay right by my side, and direct my every way. His eyes looked deep into my own with strength to steady me. I needed His kind leadership if I’d untangled be From all the mess that I’d let build in house and mind alike. His smile brought hope that His great wisdom would set it all aright. I wondered if He had the time, or if I ought to even ask The great King of the universe to bother with my task. He assured me of His love and that, because of omnipresence, He did indeed have all the time to with me take up residence. I tried then to remember to abide in Him all day, For Jesus has the answer for each st


"And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us..." 1 John 4:16 All I need I find in You Because You love me I love You Captain of my salvation Deliverer of my soul from sin Emmanuel - God with me Friend Who listens tenderly God Almighty, Sovereign Prince Hero always my defense Into my heart forever to stay Jesus walks with me today King Who has been kind to me Lord of creation's history Magnificent authority Never changing eternally Open arms to all who come Perfect holiness is this Son Quickening Word within my heart Redeemer, Leader, Love Thou art Shepherd Who gives strong embrace True way to heaven, the Father's place Under girding anchor though waves roll Vine Who brings life to my soul Warring Lion, wounded Lamb Xtolled forever, the great I AM Yes, You are my Jesus Christ! Zenith of Light, my Paradise